As an accredited Administrator & Debt Review Counsellor the number one question we are always asked is:
How long will I be under Debt Review or Administration?
The answer actually differs from person to person, this is because it all depends on:
1. Your Total Debt
Do you have R15, 000 or R50, 000 debt?
2. Your Monthly Income & Expenditure
Is it based on one income or two? Do you have dependents to consider or perhaps you don’t have any dependents.
3. Instalments Payable
How much should you be paying for this amount of debt? Also, what can you afford after your monthly essentials are taken care of?
And lastly,
4. Interest Rates
This is the interest charged by your creditors as per your contract that you signed with them originally.
Debt Review
Under Debt Review your debt counsellor will negotiate new instalments and reduced interest rates, on your behalf, in accordance with your affordability. You will find that Debt Review is typically paid within 60months (5 years), provided that a house bond has not been included. A clearance certificate is issued once your debts have been paid in full (and your bond repayments are up to date). This clearance certificate is what will be required by the Credit Bureaus to remove any Debt Review flagging from your name.

There are so many benefits to being under Debt review and those above are just to name a few. You can always contact D&R Incorporated to find out how we can help you and the total benefits to being under Debt Review.
Under Administration there is no fixed term, that means that administration lasts until all the debts are cleared and all your court fees are paid up. This puts you, as the consumer, in the driver’s seat (so to speak) as the more you are able to pay towards your debt the quicker your debt will be settled. However, this is also why it is imperative to have an affordable repayment plan from the start that not only works for you, but also works for the total amount of debt you have. All of this will be covered in depth with your Administrator to ensure that sufficient provision has been made for your basic living expenses so that you are able to live comfortably whilst you pay off your debt. A 74U certificate will be issued once your administration debt is settled in full. This 74U certificate will be used to remove the fact that you are under administration and will no longer be reflected on your credit record.